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What are the 5 benefits of peppermint tea that will make you fall in love with it?

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What are the 5 benefits of peppermint tea that will make you fall in love with it?


Peppermint tea may improve PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (also known as "PCOS") is a condition in which ovaries swell and form cysts due to hormonal imbalances. Symptoms may include irregular periods, abnormal body hair, weight gain, acne, insulin resistance, and even infertility.


Research suggests that PCOS is caused by elevated levels of male reproductive hormones, or androgens, in women. While the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, research suggests that the condition may be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Research suggests that peppermint, an herb that has the effect of controlling androgen, may improve PCOS. A single-blind, randomized medical trial studied 60 women diagnosed with PCOS with a gain in conception.

All participants wanted to successfully conceive. The study divided participants into three groups: one group took a clomiphene formula, one group took an herbal mixture containing peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon, and another group took both clomiphene and peppermint herbal mixtures.

Each group received a 3-month intervention. The study found that the group that took the peppermint herbal blend performed better in terms of oxidative stress and fasting blood sugar levels.

The study also found that the peppermint group had lower insulin levels compared to the clomiphene group. Insulin is a hormone that transports sugar in the blood into cells for energy. PCOS patients often have higher levels of insulin in the blood and are associated with insulin resistance.

Studies have also shown that peppermint may help reduce ovarian cysts in PCOS patients. One animal study found that combining peppermint with flaxseed helped reduce the number of ovarian cysts.


Peppermint Tea May Reduce Acne-Prone Skin

Skin blemishes and acne-prone skin are one of the symptoms of PCOS. The reason why PCOS causes acne-prone skin is due to increased levels of androgens in the body. Increased androgen levels often lead to increased sebum production, which may cause acne-prone skin.

Studies have shown that peppermint tea may have an optimal effect on acne-prone skin caused by PCOS. Peppermint, similar to licorice and green tea, is an herb that has the effect of controlling androgen and can prevent acne-prone skin by reducing the levels of androgens in the body that cause acne-prone skin.

Peppermint may have antibacterial properties that may also help reduce acne-prone skin. Research suggests that an imbalance in the skin's microbiome may be one of the causes of acne-prone skin. This imbalance occurs when bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis overgrow relative to other microorganisms on the skin.

Due to increasing resistance to traditional approaches such as antibacterial agents, alternative approaches such as probiotics and peppermint tea are gaining traction. Research suggests that peppermint may have antibacterial effects against certain acne-prone bacteria, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis.

While peppermint shows promise in reducing acne-prone skin, more research is needed to fully understand the potential of this wonder herb.


Peppermint Tea May Improve Hirsutism

Hirsutism is characterized by abnormal and excessive hair growth, especially in women. Hirsutism can cause abnormally thick hair growth anywhere on the body, but is most common on the face and chin in women.

Research suggests that hirsutism is often caused by an excess of male hormones, or androgens, in the body.

Research suggests that peppermint tea may improve hirsutism. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial studied 42 people with hirsutism.

The study followed participants for 30 days to evaluate the effects of peppermint tea on hirsutism. Participants drank one cup of peppermint tea twice a day for a month. The study found that after 30 days, participants who drank peppermint tea had lower testosterone levels, while levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increased.

Testosterone is a major male hormone that, when present in high levels in women, can cause hirsutism. Both hormones, LH and FSH, help regulate menstrual cycles.

Although no significant changes were observed objectively during the study, participants subjectively felt that their hirsutism improved.


Peppermint Tea May Improve Memory

Research suggests that peppermint may have a nootropic effect. Nootropics, which contain ingredients such as Bacopa monnieri and Ginkgo biloba, are a class of substances that help enhance cognition, improve focus, and improve memory.

In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, researchers examined the effects of peppermint on working memory. The study involved 90 participants with age-related memory impairment, with an average age of about 60 years.

Participants were divided into a mint group or a placebo group, and took 2 mint capsules per day for 90 days. The results showed that the mint group performed better in working memory and spatial memory compared to the placebo group.

The mint intervention group also reported falling asleep more easily than the placebo group.

In another double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of 142 healthy, active adults, researchers examined the effects of mint on cognitive function. Participants took a mint supplement or a placebo for 90 days.

The results showed that the mint group performed better in sustained attention and concentration compared to the placebo group.


Mint tea may help the stomach

Many traditional medical systems, such as Iranian traditional medicine, Chinese medicine, and Ayurveda, use mint to repair digestive problems.

These claims are backed up by scientific research. A medical study compared the effectiveness of mint and peppermint in repairing functional dyspepsia. Functional dyspepsia is a type of stomach discomfort with no clear cause or trigger, with symptoms including stomach pain, gas, nausea, bloating, and feeling full after eating a small amount of food.

The study subjects were 79 participants with functional dyspepsia. The participants were divided into two groups, which received a 5-day intervention repair of peppermint or mint.

The results of the study showed that peppermint and peppermint were equally effective in relieving symptoms such as pain, fullness, nausea, bloating, and gas. Peppermint was more effective than peppermint in reducing vomiting.

Another single-blind medical study compared the effectiveness of peppermint and dimethicone in repairing gas. A total of 60 patients with irritable bowel syndrome were recruited in the study and asked to take dimethicone or peppermint after each meal for 3 weeks.

The results of the study showed that peppermint was more effective in optimizing gas than dimethicone. In addition, the study pointed out that the participants did not experience adverse reactions or side effects.


Side Effects of Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) for human consumption and is widely used in food, beverages, and prescription products. Safety studies have found that up to 900 mg of peppermint per day for 90 days did not adversely affect thyroid-stimulating hormone, liver and kidney function, or blood lipid levels. Peppermint may cause some side effects, such as allergic reactions, in sensitive individuals. Peppermint may also have a mild sedative effect, providing a soothing effect.


Peppermint tea has a variety of potential benefits, such as balancing hormone levels and improving memory. Peppermint has been used safely for hundreds of years, and this herb is not only delicious, but may also help improve overall health.