In China, there has always been a saying that "eating chili peppers can help you lose weight", and there is data to support it. In China, Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan, which are crazy about eating chili peppers, have always been provinces with a low obesity rate of 7.5%-9.2%, far lower than the more than 20% of provinces that do not eat spicy food. Japan began to develop chili pepper weight loss products as early as 1990. Japan Ajinomoto launched chili pepper fat burning tablets, which have always been a hot product in the market. In fact, it is easy to understand that chili peppers can help you lose weight. Chili peppers can improve your basal metabolism, increase your metabolism, and increase your energy consumption. When consumption is greater than intake, you can naturally achieve weight loss and control your weight. However, the spiciness of chili peppers is the king among many vegetables. People who eat them are sweating profusely, their mouths are full of spiciness, and their stomachs and anuses often burn and feel uncomfortable. Long-term stomach and anus burning is a great health hazard, so retaining the effect of chili peppers and reducing or slow-release the spiciness is a good solution.
T Covering TechTM Using multi-layer microcapsule technology, capsaicine is effectively embedded in the core, and with the addition of a taste-masking layer and an enteric layer, it not only improves the weakness of chili peppers in terms of taste stimulation, but is also friendly to the mouth, stomach, and anus, and its bioavailability is also improved.
1.Improve metabolism
A total of 9 studies (with 255 participants) were included in the meta-analysis. Characteristics of the included studies are shown in Table 1. In six studies participants had a BMI higher than 25 kg/m2 (25+), and four studies presented data about participants with BMI below 25 kg/m2 (25-). Seven studies included raw data about energy expenditure and seven studies about RQ. Four studies contained more than one treated and control groups (Matsumoto et al., 2000; Inoue et al., 2007; Janssens et al., 2013; Smeets et al., 2013), a second comparison group from the same study were indicated in our forest plots by a number 1 after the study name. Four studies used single meal interventions, in five studies capsaicin or capsiate was administered at least for one day. The majority of the included studies showed no significant difference between the treated and control groups, however a tendency for increased EE or decreased RQ was often observable in the treated groups.

2.Promote fat oxidation

To discover a more responsive subgroup by a metaanalysis, we inspected the correlations between every above-mentioned parameter and the BMI value at 0 Week.The BMI value tended to be correlated with the fat oxidation increase of either CSNs3 or CSNs10(R=0.424, p=0.131 or R=0.447,p=0.109),and was correlated well with the combined fat oxidation increases in both CSNs3 and CSNs10(R=0.434,p=0.018)(Fig.2),suggesting that the higher-BMI subjects would respond more to capsinoids by enhancing fat oxidation.We then tentatively introduced the BMI≥25kg/m2 criterion for making a subgroup that would presumably more responsive.BMI≥25kg/m is standard criterion for obesity described by the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity.
3.Activate brown fat thermogenesis

Temperature Core body temperature was increased (F(8,184)=2.295, p=0.023) after test loads with 1 g RP, compared to no RP (mean increase=0.02 °C (0.05 °F) over 270 min) (Fig. 4). Core body temperature was not affected by user status, oral vs. capsule form, or HF vs. HC lead-in diets. Skin temperature was lower (F(4,92)=2.610, p=0.041) after test loads with 1 g RP, compared to no RP (mean decrease=0.11 °C (0.19 °F) and 0.23 °C (0.31 °F) over 270 min after HF and HC lead-in diets respectively). Additionally, skin temperature was lower (F(4,92)=2.913,p=0.026) when RP was consumed in capsule form, compared to orally(mean decrease=0.39 °C (0.60 °F) and 0.27 °C (0.48 °F) over 270 min in users and non-users, respectively), specifically at 180–210 min.
4.Activates GLP-1 and suppresses appetite

As shown in Figs. 1A and 1B, the mice fed an HFD gained mass steadily over time and had higher body mass gain (WT mice, by 90 ± 3% and KO mice, by 85 ± 5%) than SLD-fed mice (WT mice, 43 ± 2% and KO mice, 37 ± 2%) after 12 weeks (p < 0.05).
Intragastrical administration of CAP significantly suppressed the HFD-induced body mass gain(Fig. 1B, p < 0.05), with WT mice fed the HFD+CAP (by 39%) showing a greater effect than KO mice fed the same diet (by 21%). Average food intake of HFD+CAP-fed mice was lower than HFD-fed mice in every week (respectively for WT and KO mice,Fig. 1C). About 12 weeks after the feeding intervention commenced, total food intake was lower in the HFD+-CAP-fed mice than HFD-fed mice(respectively for WT and KO mice, p < 0.05) (Fig. 1D).