In Europe, valerian is known as the "sleeping god grass" and the "herb of panacea". 1,300 years ago, valerian was used in Europe to relieve anxiety and help sleep. People often drank valerian tea to help sleep. John Henslowe, a famous British botanist, highly praised the calming effect of valerian and once said: If you want to calm an excited person, give him a cup of valerian tea! The "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the Ming Dynasty of China also recorded that valerian extracts toxins, invigorates blood, relieves depression, and helps sleep. Therefore, hundreds of brands of valerian have used valerian to solve users' insomnia and anxiety problems in recent years, and the application range of valerian from powder, tablets to capsules is becoming more and more extensive. It is very likely to become another popular new star for sleep aid to replace melatonin. However, valerian has always been "famous and slandered". The "reputation" lies in its good sleep-aiding effect, and the "slander" lies in its pungent taste and the strong smell of "stinky feet". This is a great challenge for the production factories and consumers who eat it. Consumers need a lot of courage to take it. This undoubtedly greatly limits the globalization process of valerian in the current global anxiety. The market is eager to make valerian extracts with better taste and better bioavailability. T Covering TechTM Valerian microcapsule powder uses multi-layer microcapsule technology to well mask the unpleasant taste of valerian and improve bioavailability.
1.Extend sleep duration

The interaction of group and time was significant on the PTT level (P=0.046), as the odds ratio of a high PTT was time-dependent in both groups. On the thirtieth day, the odds ratio of a high PTT was significantly lower (by 83.2%) in the valerian group compared to the placebo group. On the 14th and 3rd days, the odds ratio of a high PTT was significantly lower (by 61.2% and 38.0%, respectively) in the valerian group compared to the placebo group.

To verify if the observed changes in immobility times may be due to unspecific, compound-related effects on locomotor activity, animals were tested in an open field for alterations in activity 2 days before the FST procedure. Since none of the treatments induced significant changes in locomotor activity (Fig. 8B), the pronounced reduction of immobility time after treatment with phytofin Valerian 368 (2 125 mg/kg bw) can be considered as a result of an antidepressant property of this preparation.
3.Anti anxiety and emotional improvement
While the POMS AUC scores indicated no difference between treatment arms, the mean change from baseline at weeks 4 and 8 was significantly different for the FatigueInertia subscale at weeks 4 (P 0.004) and 8 (P 0.02), with the valerian arm reporting better scores (Table 4). On the BFI, the valerian arm scored significantly better than the placebo arm in the mean change from baseline at weeks 4 and 8 on the Fatigue Now (P 0.003 and P 0.01, respectively) and Usual Fatigue (P 0.02 and P 0.046, respectively) items (Table 4).