Resveratrol is world-famous because of a French Paradox discussion in 1990. At that time, it was believed that the reason why French people who love to eat high-fat foods are not prone to cardiovascular diseases is because the red wine they often drink contains resveratrol. Since then, resveratrol has gradually become the leading raw material for anti-aging and anti-aging products, and its health value has been continuously discovered and realized, including anti-aging, antioxidant, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-dementia, etc.
However, there have always been two problems with resveratrol in the application process:
1.Poor water solubility;
2.Poor thermal stability, and easy content loss during thermal processing.
These problems have greatly limited the further application of resveratrol, especially in the hot oral beauty market.
Specification | Water Solubility | Acid and thermal stability | Bulk density |
20%-50% | 300mg dissolved in 50mL water, clear and transparent | Ph4.5,105℃30min | Above 0.6mg/mL |
1.Extend lifespan

SIRT1, a human deacetylase that promotes cell survival by negatively regulating the p53 tumoursuppressor. resveratrol lowers the Michaelis constant of SIRT1 for both the acetylated substrate and NAD1, and increases cell survival by stimulating SIRT1- dependent deacetylation of p53. Resveratrol stimulates SIRT1 activity thirteen fold and increases average life by 70%.
2.Beneficial for cardiovascular health

Patients received 10 mg RES capsule daily for 3 months. resveratrol improved left ventricle diastolic function, endothelial function, lowered LDL-cholesterol level and protected against unfavourable hemorheological changes measured in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD)
3.Beneficial for bone health;

Supplementation with 500 mg resveratrol prevented bone density loss in patients with T2DM. the resveratrol 500 arms showed significantly different changes in serum phosphorus, whole-body BMD and whole-body BMC with respect to the placebo arm:phosphorus (0.07 vs −0.01 µmol/L, respectively, Resv500 and Placebo groups), whole-body BMD (0.01 vs −0.03 g/cm2 ), whole-body BMC (4.04 vs −58.8 g), whole-body T-score (0.15 vs −0.26)
4. Beneficial to blood pressure regulation and blood sugar regulation, and beneficial to diabetes patients

The intervention group recived resveraltrol (250mg/ day) for six months. Resveraltrol decreases the level of HbAlc and fasting blood glucose.resveraltrol also decreases body weight , blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglyceride.
5.Improving non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Patients were randomly assigned to receive a capsule containing either 500 mg trans resveratrol or the same amount of medium-chain triglyceride as placebo, once a day for 12 weeks.Compared with the placebo group, patients undertaking resveratrol had a significantly greater decrease in serum ALT enzyme (−32.38% ± 25.63% vs −13.54% ± 45.00%).. Significant changes were also observed in inflammatory markers in the resveratrol group but not the control group. Inflammatory factors (hs-CRP, IL-6, and NF-κB) decreased significantly in the resveratrol group, as compared with the baseline and the placebo group (P < .05).cytokeratin-18 M30 decreased significantly in the resveratrol group.