What to do if you have bloating? 7 bad habits that make you bloated!
Although everyone has different reactions to food, some people will get bloating after eating the same food, while others will be completely fine. Therefore, when encountering such patients clinically, doctors will first distinguish whether it is a structural problem or whether there is gastrointestinal obstruction. , or it is a functional problem such as a problem with kidney function. When the symptoms are severe, consider doing a gastroscopy directly.
If you are really uncomfortable with bloating at the beginning, you can simply eat light food, especially foods that are easy to cause gas, and skip one or two meals to relieve the bloating. However, if there is no improvement, you should still seek medical advice as soon as possible and refer it to a professional. It's up to the physician to judge.
6 Foods That Can Cause Gas, Natural Foods Are Included!
As for which foods to eat less, here are 6 gas-producing foods to avoid:
1. Processed foods: The number one culprit of flatulence is "sodium". Sodium can play a role in retaining water, which will lead to flatulence. Excess sodium often comes from unhealthy packaged and processed foods such as fast food, sauces, sauces, canned soups, deli meats and baked goods.
2. Foods high in fat: Foods high in saturated fat, including baked goods, processed meats and cheese, take longer to digest than other foods. This type of food moves more slowly through the gastrointestinal tract and therefore can cause gas.
3. Dairy: Dairy in all its forms (including cheese, milk and ice cream) can cause stomach trouble for some people due to the lactose it contains, which some people have difficulty digesting, especially older adults. and some Asians.
4. Apples: Apples are a healthy food, but they have a high fructose content, and excessive intake of fructose can cause bloating. In addition, apples also contain a large amount of difficult-to-absorb short-chain carbohydrates (FODMAPs), which can also cause bloating in some people. People with irritable bowel syndrome are best served following a low-FODMAP diet. In addition to apples, onions, garlic, kidney beans and cashews are also foods high in FODMAPs.
5. Soy foods: Soy foods cause flatulence due to their dietary fiber content. Still, these foods are low in saturated fat and sodium, making them a nutritional treasure trove. Dietary fiber is satiating, keeps your digestive tract running smoothly, and feeds the good bacteria in your gut microbiome. You can avoid gas by gradually increasing your intake of dietary fiber.
6. Cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, arugula and Brussels sprouts. Eating large amounts of these vegetables can cause excess gas to build up, causing bloating. Since cruciferous vegetables are rich in folic acid, vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin A, they should not be eaten due to choking. Rather than eliminating these foods entirely, try eliminating them one at a time to see if your symptoms improve.
4 foods to help you digest better and avoid gas
During the period of gastric bloating, you can use peppermint oil to smear the area around the belly button to eliminate abdominal bloating, or do simple actions to help digestion. Lie flat on your back, bend your knees, hug your calves with both hands, and try to keep your thighs as close to your belly as possible. This action can effectively help exhaust gas and prevent gas accumulation in the stomach.
In addition, you can also drink some mint tea and citrus tea to relieve gastrointestinal bloating. At the same time, avoid foods that easily produce gas, and pair them with the following fruits and vegetables that can help digestion:
1. Cucumber: Cucumber is mainly composed of water, which helps in expelling excess sodium from the body. Cucumbers also contain a flavonol compound called quercetin, which has strong anti-inflammatory effects
2. Yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics that help regulate digestive function and improve overall intestinal health, so it can help prevent gas. In addition, when purchasing, choose sugar-free plain yogurt, because added sugar can also cause bloating.
3. Asparagus: After eating asparagus, you will easily want to go to the toilet. This is because asparagus has diuretic properties, which can help the body excrete salt and water, thereby reducing flatulence.
4. Bananas: Bananas are high in potassium, a mineral and electrolyte that plays an important role in regulating sodium levels in the body. Therefore, consuming potassium-rich foods can help reduce water retention. In addition to bananas, other potassium-rich foods include apricots, plums, and raisins.
If your gastrointestinal function is not good, it is really difficult to rely on specific foods to relieve gastric bloating. Food may just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Groups that are prone to gastric bloating include:
* Chronic liver disease
* Thyroid disease
* Diabetes
* Irritable bowel syndrome
* Stomach inflammation
* Elderly
Master 7 tips and bloating will never come back to you
In addition to flatulence, some people's stomach discomfort is actually caused by "flatulence". "The location of the two simple gas blockages is different. The stomach is mainly in the upper abdomen and above the belly button, and the area around the belly button is more related to flatulence." , but the processing and judgment principles are similar.”
In addition to diet, there are 7 ways to help improve flatulence in daily life:
1. Drink water: When your stomach feels like it’s going to explode, drinking water is probably the last thing you want to do. Drinking water does reduce gas because it keeps the digestive tract moving smoothly, which is essential for speeding up bowel movements, and constipation and gas often go hand in hand.
2. Go for a walk: Instead of just lying down after a big meal, go out and walk around. Taking a short walk can stimulate stomach movement and reduce gas. Gastroenterologists at the University Hospital of Heidelberg in Germany found that walking after meals can help speed up gastric emptying, and a walk of 5 to 10 minutes is enough to reduce flatulence.
3. Drink less alcohol: Alcohol slows digestion and increases water retention. Alcohol initially increases the frequency of urination, which eventually leads to dehydration of the body. Dehydration causes the body to absorb more water, ultimately causing a bloated feeling.
4. Stay away from carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks add gas to the body. The foam in carbonated drinks is the culprit. When they are trapped in the stomach, they cause bloating.
5. Drink tea: To get rid of bloating, drink a cup of mint tea or ginger tea after meals. Peppermint reduces gas because it helps relax the muscles that promote the passage of gas. However, if you are a patient with gastroesophageal reflux, avoid drinking peppermint tea as it may be counterproductive and cause gastric acid to reflux into the esophagus; instead, drinking ginger tea can help speed up gastric emptying.
6. Practice yoga: Gentle yoga poses, such as Child's Pose or Cat/Cow Pose, can help relieve abdominal discomfort associated with bloating. Hold each position for 5 deep breaths (in through your nose, out through your mouth) and continue repeating until you feel relief. The abdomen expands fully with each inhalation. Doing this helps activate the body's parasympathetic nervous system and enter rest and digest mode; a sedated gastrointestinal tract can digest food better.
7. Avoid chewing gum: Swallowing too much air can cause gas and bloating. If you drink a carbonated drink quickly or chew gum with your mouth open, extra air can enter your body. If air ends up getting trapped in the colon or small intestine, you will eventually feel bloated. Therefore, it is best not to chew gum during the holidays.
Occasional bloating is normal, but it's worth paying special attention to if you experience this discomfort after every meal. It may be a sign of poor gut health and digestive dysfunction. If you still have gastrointestinal discomfort after adjusting your diet, you need to see a doctor to check if there are other medical problems.