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Agaricus Blazei Murill Extract

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Factory Supply High Quality Agaricus Blazei Murill Extract


Functions of Agaricus Blazei Murill Extract

1.Lower blood lipids

The study showed that compared with the blank group, Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide can significantly inhibit the secretion of IL-6, IL-8, and IL-12 of Caco-2 cells stimulated by LPS, and can increase the secretion of IL-10 and INF-γ. At the same time, Table 5 shows that Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide can significantly inhibit the secretion of IL-6 and IL-12 in the Caco-2/RAW264.7 co-culture system stimulated by LPS.
* indicates significant difference compared with NG group (P<0.05), ** indicates extremely significant difference (P<0.01); # indicates significant difference compared with MG group (P<0.05), ##indicates extremely significant difference (P<0.01).
Figure 6 Effects of ABP-A on serum biochemical indexes in hyperlipidemic rats
LDL-C in rats were significantly decreased, and HDL-C was significantly increased, indicating that ABP-A has the effect of lowering blood lipids in hyperlipidemia rats.

2. Assist in the treatment of tumors and cancer

Natural killer cell activity was significantly higher in , Agaricus blazei Murill Kyowa(ABMK)-treated group as compared with nontreated placebo group. hemotherapyassociated side effects such as appetite, alopecia, emotional stability, and general weakness were all improved by ABMK treatment

3. Improve Immunity

The study found that the phagocytic activity of RAW264.7 cells was significantly enhanced in the concentration range of 100~1000ug/mL, and the secretion of NO, IL-6, and TNF-α was significantly promoted. At the same time, the expression levels of iNOS, IL-6, and TNF-α mRNA were also significantly increased.
In vivo in the eight volunteers who completed the daily intake (60 ml) of this Agaricus blazei Murill AbM extract for 12 days, a significant reduction was observed in levels of IL-1b (97%), TNF-a (84%), IL-17 (50%) and IL-2 (46%).

4. Antioxidant

The scavenging rate of Agaricus blazei polysaccharide on DPPH free radicals was 32.96%±1.65%, the scavenging rate on hydroxyl free radicals was 96.26%±4.81%, and the iron reducing power was 0.98±0.05, indicating that Agaricus blazei polysaccharide has strong antioxidant properties.

5.Lowers blood sugar

Subjects who received supplement of Agaricus blazei Murill(ABM) extract showed significantly lower HOMA-IR index and insulin concentrations than the control group . The plasma adiponectin concentration increased 20.0% in the ABM group after 12 weeks of treatment, but decreased 12.0% among those taking the placebo .

6.Liver protection

A decreasing effect for serum γ-GTP activity was found in 80% of the patients, suggesting A. blazei condensed liquid(ABCL) may be useful for patients with light hepatopathy such as C-type hepatitis

7. Anti-fatigue

After taking Agaricus blazei polysaccharide, the test group athletes' serum creatine kinase and serum urea levels decreased after participating in intense aerobic exercise, and the serum superoxide dismutase level increased. Comparison of the two groups of test results showed that matsutake polysaccharide can effectively protect the myocardial function of athletes after participating in intense aerobic exercise, and effectively restore the fatigue of athletes after exercise.

Solutions of Agaricus Blazei Murill Extract